Shell perls
As I always forget them, I just put them down right now right here (they were sitting for too long in my Drafts folder). And I might update them as I go.
Replace multiple chars
sed "s/=ABC=//g"
Grep for multiple words
I know, I know. This shouldn't be here, but I kept on forgetting it...
egrep "FULL|bytes|speedup" snapback.log
Calculate size of directories
du --max-depth=1 -h .
Not sure what I did with this, but it seems pretty important...
NUMBER=$[ ( $RANDOM % 100 ) + 1 ]
cat servers | while read line; do ./ $line done; done
awk -F":" '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd
cat tt | while read line; do export NUMBER=$[$NUMBER + $line]; echo $NUMBER total size > s1; done;
Replacing newlines
My first thought about replacing newlines in files would have been sed, but it is not. tr is the way to go:
cat file | tr 'n' ','
To not only replace line endings, but also text before or after them, give this a try:
sed -n '1h;2,$H;${g;s/n/,/g;p}' <file>
Simulate system load
dd if=/dev/zero bs=100M | gzip | gzip -d | gzip | gzip -d | gzip | gzip -d > /dev/null &
Howto kill all child processes of a (bash) process
Killing a single process is easy; killing multiple processes also. But only if you know all of the PIDs. If you need to kill a process including all children (sub-processes), try this one:
ps -o pid= --ppid $PID_TO_KILL | xargs kill
(Note that there are a gazillion solutions out there, but they all seem to be a bit over-complicated. Or I'm missing something..)
Check if a process is running
kill -0 pid 2>/dev/null
echo $?